Video Timeline #02 MAN’S PURPOSE

Continuing to reveal the true timeline will put to rest all the innuendoes and false ideas so many have about the historic value of the Bible.  As we move away from the creation narrative discussed in the previous video, a foundation of truth must be laid. Ask yourself what does the Father and Christ want to accomplish through this act of creation?

The Church of God - Where Is It?

Christ said, “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Matt. 16:18. In our present age, the word “church” is difficult to biblically define. It is like many biblical terms which are translated from the Greek and can only be understood by the way they are used.

Man's Purpose

There is a biblically fixed system of time on which the historical events of the Bible can be brought to light.

Revealing the true timeline will put to rest all the innuendoes and false ideas so many have about the historic value of the Bible.  A foundation of truth must be laid. Ask yourself what does the Father and Christ want to accomplish through the act of creation?

Has Time Been Lost?

Many have struggled to answer this very fascinating question, either in the positive or in the negative. The answer is important to various religious groups because their beliefs are based on the observation of a particular day of the week, the origin of which they find in the first book of the Bible—the creation account of seven days in the book of Genesis.

Has God Appeared in Physical Form?

Does the Bible ever show God in a human form walking and talking with man? Or was He some shadowy voice as portrayed in the movies? The Bible tells us that God both walked and talked among men many times. Because of this, an important question needs to be asked: “Why did God choose to walk and talk among man in the form of a man so that He appeared as a man?”